Space for Two

Space for Two was my third year final project at Falmouth University.

Players take the role of either the fish 'Bubble', or the cat 'Squeak' as they fly across the cosmos searching for a new home. The game is split into 2 phases; the top-down 'Resource phase' where the crew must find materials to upgrade their ship, and the on-rails 'Wormhole phase' where the goal is to frantically navigate a wormhole to reach the next planet.

The game was a Rookies 2024 finalist and won the "Holistic Harmony" at Falmouth's 2024 Games Expo.


Co-op Party Game


Unreal 5


C++ & Blueprints

Release Date

May 2024

Project Type

University team project (Team of 11)

Resource Phase

Wormhole Phase


Skills and contributions

My current role on the team is primarily being a gameplay and systems programmer, with most of my work revolving around creating the 'Wormhole phase' Minigame system. This section of the game involves a variety of different Minigames which all use the same base movement and flight system, allowing the game to have a variety of diverse and polished Minigames created before the May deadline set by Falmouth University.

Minigame Movement System

All of the Wormhole Minigames are tied together by the same core movement system; Players automatically move forward on a spline travelling at a pre-determined speed and have the ability to move the ship vertically and horizontally as if travelling in a 2D plane.

One of the additional mechanics added to this system is the Path splitting mechanic; certain points along the spline split into two different paths, either horizontally or vertically, and players decide which path to take depending on the screen position of their ship(s).

Below is the code which determines which path should be taken based on the ships screen location and the axis of which the path splits:

Example of Players choosing the left path